Monday, April 6, 2009

SPOTLIGHT: Jessica Schrader Burke

I am a commercial banker here in Boise at U.S. Bank. I pretty much manage mid-size local business relationships. There's a lot that goes into it (a lot of financial analysis and customer service), but we take care of anything a business needs from a financial institution basically. I got married last summer (07) and we don't have any kids yet... we probably will be waiting a little while, and only have one ;) We are pretty involved in growing our careers and traveling right now. My husband, Ross, works as a Mechanical Engineer at Micron. Funny, he and I started our careers the same day, a little over four years ago.

Bronco Game '05

I just had to share this with everyone.

Click on below link to see video.

This video was done by one of my best friends John Brennan and is an amazing video. Sadly John lost his fight from cancer and I will always have that whole in my heart because I miss him every day. You have to watch this amazing little clip though so you can meet one of my biggest heroes.
